Dating can be a tricky game to navigate, especially for queer women. In the LGBTQ+ community, there are unique challenges and red flags to look out for when it comes to dating. To shed some light on this topic, we spoke to 12 queer women who shared their biggest dating red flags. Whether you're just getting back into the dating scene or have been at it for a while, these insights can help you navigate the dating world with confidence and wisdom.

So you've been chatting with someone new and things seem to be going well. But before you get too invested, it's important to keep an eye out for any potential red flags. Whether it's a lack of communication, controlling behavior, or just a general feeling of discomfort, it's important to trust your instincts. After all, you deserve to be with someone who respects and values you. If you're looking for a more adventurous dating experience, consider exploring BDSM profiles for unforgettable experiences.

Communication is Key

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One of the most common red flags that the women we spoke to mentioned was a lack of communication. Whether it's being vague about their intentions or not responding to messages in a timely manner, poor communication can be a major turn-off. "If someone can't communicate openly and honestly, it's a big red flag for me," said one woman. Another added, "I need someone who is willing to have open and honest conversations about their feelings and intentions."

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Inconsistency in behavior was another recurring red flag. "If someone is hot and cold, it's a huge red flag for me," explained one woman. "I want someone who is consistent and reliable." Another woman shared, "If they say one thing and do another, that's a big red flag for me. I need someone who is true to their word."

Lack of Respect

Respect is crucial in any relationship, and many of the women we spoke to emphasized the importance of this red flag. "If someone doesn't respect my boundaries or tries to pressure me into doing something I'm not comfortable with, that's a huge red flag," said one woman. Another added, "I want someone who respects me and treats me with kindness and consideration."

Baggage from Past Relationships

Baggage from past relationships was also mentioned as a significant red flag. "If someone is still hung up on their ex or has unresolved issues from past relationships, that's a red flag for me," explained one woman. "I want someone who is emotionally available and ready to move forward." Another woman shared, "If they constantly bring up their ex or compare me to them, that's a major red flag."

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is an essential quality in a partner, and several of the women we spoke to highlighted this as a red flag. "If someone lacks empathy and can't understand or validate my feelings, that's a big red flag for me," said one woman. Another added, "I need someone who can be there for me emotionally and show compassion."

Mismatched Values

Having mismatched values was also mentioned as a red flag. "If our values and beliefs don't align, it's a red flag for me," explained one woman. "I want someone who shares similar values and goals for the future." Another woman shared, "If they have vastly different views on important issues like politics or religion, that's a red flag for me."

Unwillingness to Commit

Commitment issues were a common red flag mentioned by the women we spoke to. "If someone is unwilling to commit or constantly makes excuses for why they can't take the relationship to the next level, that's a red flag for me," said one woman. Another added, "I want someone who is ready and willing to invest in a committed, long-term relationship."

Gaslighting and Manipulation

Gaslighting and manipulation were also highlighted as major red flags. "If someone tries to manipulate or control me, that's a huge red flag," explained one woman. "I need someone who respects my autonomy and treats me as an equal partner." Another woman shared, "If they try to make me doubt my own reality or feelings, that's a red flag for me."

Lack of Accountability

Several of the women we spoke to mentioned a lack of accountability as a red flag. "If someone can't take responsibility for their actions or constantly blames others for their problems, that's a red flag for me," said one woman. Another added, "I want someone who is mature enough to own up to their mistakes and work towards growth and improvement."


Infidelity was a major red flag for many of the women we spoke to. "If someone has a history of cheating or is unfaithful, that's a deal-breaker for me," explained one woman. "I need someone who is loyal and trustworthy." Another woman shared, "If they have a pattern of being unfaithful in past relationships, that's a red flag for me."

Lack of Ambition

A lack of ambition was also mentioned as a red flag. "If someone is complacent and lacks drive or ambition, that's a red flag for me," said one woman. "I want someone who is motivated and has goals for their future." Another added, "If they don't have a clear direction in life or seem content to just coast along, that's a red flag for me."

Disrespectful Behavior

Disrespectful behavior, whether towards the women themselves or others, was highlighted as a significant red flag. "If someone is rude or disrespectful to me or others, that's a red flag for me," explained one woman. "I want someone who is kind and considerate." Another shared, "If they make offensive or derogatory comments, that's a red flag for me."

In conclusion, dating as a queer woman comes with its own set of challenges and red flags to look out for. From poor communication to disrespect and infidelity, it's essential to be aware of these red flags and prioritize your own well-being in any relationship. By paying attention to these warning signs, you can navigate the dating world with confidence and find a partner who respects and values you for who you are.